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What is Taiko?

Ethereum is too expensive. We believe in Ethereum’s core properties (e.g., censorship-resistant, permissionless, secure). We also believe that rollups should extend (not augment) these properties.

Taiko is a based rollup which makes Ethereum cheaper while maintaining its properties:

Taiko is a highly configurable, fully open source, permissionless (based), Ethereum-equivalent rollup.

It can be easily configured as a fully ZK rollup, optimistic rollup, or anything in between. There are no centralized actors that operate the network; all operations are permissionlessly run by the community.

The Taiko protocol

  • Taiko Protocol: A set of smart contracts deployed on Ethereum that describe the Taiko protocol, a fully open-source scaling solution for Ethereum. In the most fundamental sense, this is what Taiko is. Even Taiko’s governance itself is written into the protocol contracts.


  • Taiko Community: Social groups/accounts run by anyone interested, including Taiko Discord, Taiko Twitter, etc.
  • Taiko Labs: Research & development group for the Taiko protocol.
  • Taiko Treasury: Funded by income from the Taiko protocol (L2 EIP-1559 congestion MEV).
  • Taiko DAO (in progress): Governing body of Taiko Token (TAIKO) holders with voting rights over smart contract upgrades, network parameters, and more. Controls all aspects of the Taiko protocol smart contracts.
  • Taiko Foundation: Stewards growth and development of the Taiko protocol and ecosystem. Works for the Taiko DAO and token holders, financing technical developments, ecosystem growth, partnerships, events, and more with full transparency.
  • Taiko Security Council: Elected by the Taiko DAO to handle emergency actions. Ensures the safety of the Taiko protocol, implementing necessary upgrades or changes, and controls the Guardian Provers.

Services operated by Taiko Labs

Non-critical infrastructure



Critical infrastructure