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Network configuration

Cooldown Window, Proving Window and Bonds

This segment lists the cooldown windows and proving windows for every tier of proof in the Taiko Alethia protocol.

The cooldown window describes how long after the proof has been provided that the block is verified.

The proving window describes how long a prover has to provide a proof for a block after they have been assigned the block (i.e. a block has been proposed with them as the assigned prover).

You can find all the corresponding values below for Taiko Alethia in the deployed TierProviderBase contract!

TierCooldown WindowProving WindowValidity Bond
SGX240 minutes300 minutes100 TAIKO
ZK240 minutes420 minutes150 TAIKO
SGX & ZK240 minutes420 minutes150 TAIKO
Guardian Minority240 minutes120 minutes200 TAIKO
Guardian480 minutes0 minutes0 TAIKO

You can find all the corresponding values below for Taiko Hekla in the most recent protocol release

TierCooldown WindowProving WindowValidity Bond
Optimistic1440 minutes60 minutes75 TAIKO
SGX240 minutes60 minutes150 TAIKO
TDX240 minutes60 minutes150 TAIKO
ZK SP1240 minutes120 minutes225 TAIKO
ZK R0240 minutes120 minutes225 TAIKO
Guardian Minority240 minutes120 minutes300 TAIKO
Guardian480 minutes0 minutes0 TAIKO

Tier configuration (Taiko Alethia)

You can view the full MainnetTierRouter tier configuration here:

taiko alethia proof tiers

Currently, the ZK coverage of our prover is set to 15% (8% SP1, 7% R0). We will be increasing this percentage in the coming days.

You can keep track of the actual overall coverage over the past seven days with this Dune query visible on our dashboard.

If the function of the bonds is not clear to you, please find out more here.

Network configuration (Taiko Alethia)

You can view the full network configuration by visiting the TaikoL1 contract on Etherscan here. Then connect your wallet, and select “Read as Proxy”. You can then see the config details for the network.

Tier configuration (Taiko Hekla)

You can view the full post ontake fork HeklaTierRouter tier configuration here:

taiko hekla proof tiers

Network configuration (Taiko Hekla)

You can view the full network configuration by visiting the TaikoL1 contract on Etherscan here. Then connect your wallet, and select “Read as Proxy”. You can then see the config details for the network.