SGXVerifieris a smart contract that implements SGX (Software Guard Extensions) signature proof verification on-chain. It ensures the integrity and security of rollup state transitions by validating SGX-generated signatures. The contract also manages SGX instance registration, tracking, and lifecycle operations.
SGX instances are uniquely identified by Ethereum addresses, derived from an ECDSA public-private key pair generated within the SGX enclave. The SGXVerifier contract ensures only authorized instances participate in rollup verification.
- Instance Registry: Tracks valid SGX instances and enforces expiration policies.
- Instance Lifecycle Management: Registers new intsances, rotates old instances, and removes compromised or outdated instances.
- SGX Proof Verification: Validates block state transitions using SGX-generated signatures and supports batch proof verification for efficiency.
Contract Methods
Registers new SGX instances.
Input Parameter | Type | Description |
_instances | address[] | List of SGX instance Ethereum addresses to register. |
Access Control: Only callable by the contract owner.
Removes registered SGX instances.
Input Parameter | Type | Description |
_ids | uint256[] | Array of instance IDs to be removed. |
Access Control: Restricted to the owner or SGX_WATCHDOG
Registers an SGX instance after verifying its attestation off-chain.
Input Parameter | Type | Description |
_attestation | bytes | Attestation quote containing SGX enclave report details. |
Returns: The assigned instance ID.
Access Control: Open to external calls.
Verifies an SGX proof for a single block state transition.
Input Parameter | Type | Description |
_ctx | bytes32 | Context of the proof. |
_tran | bytes32 | Block transition data. |
_proof | bytes | SGX signature proof. |
- Validates the instance ID and signature.
- Ensures the SGX instance is not expired.
- Replaces the SGX instance if invalid.
Verifies multiple SGX proofs for batch block state transitions.
Input Parameter | Type | Description |
_ctxs | bytes32[] | Array of proof contexts. |
_proof | bytes | SGX batch signature proof. |
- Verifies the signature against public inputs for all blocks.
- Automatically rotates instances if an invalid proof is detected.
Triggered when a new SGX instance is added or replaced.
Event Parameter | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | ID of the SGX instance. |
instance | address | Address of the added SGX instance. |
replaced | address | Address of the replaced instance (if any). |
validSince | uint256 | Timestamp when the instance became valid. |
Triggered when an SGX instance is removed.
Event Parameter | Type | Description |
id | uint256 | ID of the removed SGX instance. |
instance | address | Address of the removed instance. |
Constant Name | Value | Description |
INSTANCE_EXPIRY | 365 days | Duration before an SGX instance expires. |
INSTANCE_VALIDITY_DELAY | 1 hour | Delay before a newly registered instance becomes valid. |