If you run into any problems, please visit the troubleshooting page for help.
component. -->
This tutorial explains how to run a node for our testnet Taiko Hekla from source code.
Please follow the Building a Node from Source guide before continuing.
This guide presumes you have built the required images already (taiko-geth
and taiko-client
These are the recommended specs of a mainnet Geth node; the actual requirements may be lower.
Node operators should plan for future storage needs as the requirements will grow continuously.
and taiko-client
communicate over the standard Ethereum engine API authrpc. This communication is secured using a shared secret.
You will need to generate a shared secret in the form of a 32 byte hex string.
openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt
It’s generally better to start taiko-geth
before you start taiko-client
as you will encounter less error messages.
can be started without taiko-client
and will wait until taiko-client
begins communicating.
Navigate to your taiko-geth
Find the directory where you built the taiko-geth
Copy the JWT secret you generated into the taiko-geth
cp /path/to/jwt.txt .
Start taiko-geth
Use the following command to start taiko-geth
in a default configuration.
The JSON-RPC API will become available on port 28545.
./build/bin/geth \ --taiko \ --networkid 167009 \ --gcmode archive \ --datadir ./data/taiko-geth \ --metrics \ --metrics.expensive \ --metrics.addr "" \ --bootnodes enode://2f7ee605f84362671e7d7c6d47b69a3358b0d87e9ba4648befcae8b19453275ed19059db347c459384c1a3e5486419233c06bf6c4c6f489d81ace6f301a2a446@,enode://c067356146268d2855ad356c1ce36ba9f78c1633a72f9b7f686679c2ffe04bab6d24e48ef6eefb0e01aa00dff5024f7f94bc583da90b6027f40be4129bbbc5fd@,enode://acc2bdb6416feddff9734bee1e6de91e684e9df5aeb1d36698cc78b920600aed36a2871e4ad0cf4521afcdc2cde8e2cd410a57038767c356d4ce6c69b9107a5a@,enode://eb5079aae185d5d8afa01bfd2d349da5b476609aced2b57c90142556cf0ee4a152bcdd724627a7de97adfc2a68af5742a8f58781366e6a857d4bde98de6fe986@,enode://2294f526cbb7faa778192289c252307420532191438ce821d3c50232e019a797bda8c8f8541de0847e953bb03096123856935e32294de9814d15d120131499ba@ \ --authrpc.addr "" \ --authrpc.port 28551 \ --authrpc.vhosts "*" \ --authrpc.jwtsecret ./jwt.txt \ --http \ --http.api admin,debug,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner,taiko \ --http.addr "" \ --http.port 28545 \ --http.vhosts "*" \ --ws \ --ws.api admin,debug,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner,taiko \ --ws.addr "" \ --ws.port 28546 \ "*" \ --gpo.ignoreprice "100000000" \ --port 30304 \ --syncmode full \ --state.scheme=path
This guide assumes you are running both taiko-geth
and taiko-client
on the same machine.
If you aren’t, you can configure the ports and addresses so that the services can access each other.
Navigate to your taiko-client
Find the directory where you built the taiko-client
Copy the JWT secret
cp /path/to/jwt.txt .
Set environment variables
The following URLs should be a Holesky node.
You will need either an RPC provider, or run a full Holesky node yourself.
export L1_WS=... # the WS address for the node to sync from.export L1_BEACON_URL=... # URL address for the L1 Beacon-node HTTP endpoint to use.
Start taiko-client
Use the following command to start taiko-client
in a default configuration.
You can find all other configurable flags by running ./bin/taiko-client driver
This command assumes you’ve run the taiko-geth
command as is, if you’ve changed ports please change them accordingly.
./bin/taiko-client driver \ ${L1_WS} \ --l1.beacon ${L1_BEACON_URL} \ ws://localhost:28546 \ --taikoL1 0x79C9109b764609df928d16fC4a91e9081F7e87DB \ --taikoL2 0x1670090000000000000000000000000000010001 \ --jwtSecret ./jwt.txt \ --l2.auth http://localhost:28551/ \ --verbosity 3 \ --p2p.sync \ --p2p.checkPointSyncUrl
Once you’ve started taiko-geth
and taiko-client
properly you should see them communicate with each other and start syncing.
Syncing can take several hours, depending on the size of the chain.
If you run into any problems, please visit the troubleshooting page for help.