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Deploy a contract

This guide will help you deploy a smart contract on Taiko.


  • A wallet with some testnet ETH on Taiko (can receive this from the bridge).
  • The private key to the account with testnet ETH on Taiko.

Taiko Alethia

Deploy a contract using Foundry

  1. Install Foundry

    Open a terminal and run the following commands to install Foundry:

    Terminal window
    curl -L | bash
  2. Create a project with Foundry

    Terminal window
    forge init hello_foundry && cd hello_foundry
  3. Deploy your contract

    Deploy the contract located at src/Counter.sol. Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY below with your private key which has some testnet ETH on Taiko.

    Terminal window
    forge create src/Counter.sol:Counter \
    --rpc-url \
    --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY

Deploy a contract using Hardhat

Hardhat is an Ethereum development environment for deploying smart contracts, running tests, and debugging Solidity code locally. It is one of the popular smart contract development frameworks. This guide demonstrates deploying a Storage smart contract on Taiko using Hardhat, highlighting the compatibility of Ethereum contracts with Taiko.

  1. Set up the environment Hardhat is a flexible Ethereum development environment designed for testing, compiling, and deploying smart contracts. It requires Node.js, npm, and Git to get started.

    To effectively use Hardhat, your system must have Node.js (v10+ LTS) and npm installed.

  2. Create a Hardhat project

    • In your desired directory, run
    Terminal window
    mkdir hello-hardhat && cd hello-hardhat
    • Initialize an npm project
    Terminal window
    npm init -y
    • Install dotenv for environment variable management
    Terminal window
    npm install dotenv
    • Add Hardhat to your project
    Terminal window
    npm install --save-dev hardhat
    • Initialize Hardhat
    Terminal window
    npx hardhat init

    Choose Create a JavaScript project and follow the prompts, agreeing to create a .gitignore and install suggested dependencies.

  3. Configure Your Project

    • Delete Lock.sol in the /contracts directory.
    • In your project’s /contracts directory, create a new file named Storage.sol and paste the provided Solidity code into it using your text editor.
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
    pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;
    contract Storage {
    uint256 number;
    function store(uint256 num) public {
    number = num;
    function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
    return number;

    This contract, named Storage, includes functions to store and retrieve a uint256 number.

    • Create the /scripts to write a deployment script. Then create and open a new deploy.js file to insert the provided JavaScript code.
    • Proceed to the /scripts directory of your Hardhat project to write a deployment script. Then create and open a new deploy.js file to insert the provided JavaScript code.
    const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
    async function main() {
    const StorageContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("Storage");
    const storageContract = await StorageContract.deploy();
    await storageContract.waitForDeployment();
    const tx = await storageContract.deploymentTransaction();
    console.log("Contract deployed successfully.");
    console.log(`Deployer: ${storageContract.runner.address}`);
    console.log(`Deployed to: ${}`);
    console.log(`Transaction hash: ${tx.hash}`);
    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch(error => {
    • Populate the .env file. That is,

      • Create a .env file within the root folder.
      • Populate .env with your YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY and the Taiko RPC_URL as follows:
    YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY="<insert private key here>"
    • Update hardhat.config.js with the following configuration to include Taiko network settings and Solidity version.
    module.exports = {
    solidity: "0.8.20",
    networks: {
    taiko: {
    url: process.env.RPC_URL,
    accounts: [process.env.YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY],
  4. Compile your contracts To compile your smart contracts, run

    Terminal window
    npx hardhat compile

    Your compiled contracts will be located in the artifacts/ directory.

  5. Deploy your contracts To deploy your contracts to Taiko network, use

    Terminal window
    npx hardhat run --network taiko scripts/deploy.js

    This command deploys your Storage contract to the Taiko. For additional details on deploying contracts with Hardhat, refer to the Deploying Contracts with Hardhat. The output on the terminal looks like as below.

    Terminal window
    Contract deployed successfully.
    Deployer: 0xFdBA275E47....
    Deployed to: 0x77De5f1e40....
    Transaction hash: 0x75f219defa....

    You can now check your deployed contract on any explorer found on our homepage using the deployed contract address.

Deploy a contract using thirdweb

Thirdweb offers a streamlined solution for deploying smart contracts to any EVM-compatible chain, including Taiko. By simplifying the deployment process, Thirdweb enables developers to focus on building without the hassle of managing private keys, RPC URLs, or deployment scripts. This guide demonstrates deploying a Lock smart contract on Taiko using Thirdweb, highlighting the compatibility of Ethereum contracts with Taiko.

  1. Set up the environment

    Before deploying a smart contract on Taiko with Thirdweb, ensure your contracts are ready in a folder or a Hardhat project. This setup can include a Hardhat project or any other structure where your contracts are organized.

    For setup details, see our Hardhat Deployment guide on taiko.

  2. Deploying with Thirdweb

    1. Initialize Your Project

      Navigate to your smart contract project’s root directory in the CLI and install Thirdweb globally using npm i -g thirdweb.

    2. Deploy Your Contract

      Execute thirdweb deploy in the CLI. This command initiates the deployment process.

    3. Authorize Your Device

      A browser window will prompt you to connect and authorize your wallet. This step ensures secure deployment from your chosen wallet.

      Authorize Device

    4. Access the Deployment Link

      The CLI will provide a link. Open this link to proceed with deployment via the Thirdweb UI.

    5. Complete Deployment Details

      • Fill in the necessary fields in the Thirdweb UI.
      • Select Taiko Network from the Chain drop-down menu.
      • Opt for Add to dashboard if you wish to manage this contract from the Thirdweb dashboard.
      • Click Deploy Now and sign the transaction in your connected wallet.

      Deployment Details

      For a more detailed documentation on deployments through Thirdweb using CLI, visit Thirdweb CLI Docs.

  3. Managing Your Contract

    After deployment, the Thirdweb dashboard allows you to manage and interact with your contract seamlessly. Deploying with Thirdweb not only streamlines the process but also enhances security by supporting browser-based wallets like MetaMask and others for deployment activities.

Taiko Hekla

Deploy a contract using Foundry

  1. Install Foundry

    Open a terminal and run the following commands to install Foundry:

    Terminal window
    curl -L | bash
  2. Create a project with Foundry

    Terminal window
    forge init hello_foundry && cd hello_foundry
  3. Deploy your contract

    Deploy the contract located at src/Counter.sol. Replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY below with your private key which has some testnet ETH on Taiko.

    Terminal window
    forge create src/Counter.sol:Counter \
    --rpc-url \
    --private-key YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY

Deploy a contract using Hardhat

Hardhat is an Ethereum development environment for deploying smart contracts, running tests, and debugging Solidity code locally. It is one of the popular smart contract development frameworks. This guide demonstrates deploying a Storage smart contract on Taiko using Hardhat, highlighting the compatibility of Ethereum contracts with Taiko.

  1. Set up the environment Hardhat is a flexible Ethereum development environment designed for testing, compiling, and deploying smart contracts. It requires Node.js, npm, and Git to get started.

    To effectively use Hardhat, your system must have Node.js (v10+ LTS) and npm installed.

  2. Create a Hardhat project

    • In your desired directory, run
    Terminal window
    mkdir hello-hardhat && cd hello-hardhat
    • Initialize an npm project
    Terminal window
    npm init -y
    • Install dotenv for environment variable management
    Terminal window
    npm install dotenv
    • Add Hardhat to your project
    Terminal window
    npm install --save-dev hardhat
    • Initialize Hardhat
    Terminal window
    npx hardhat init

    Choose Create a JavaScript project and follow the prompts, agreeing to create a .gitignore and install suggested dependencies.

  3. Configure Your Project

    • Delete Lock.sol in the /contracts directory.
    • In your project’s /contracts directory, create a new file named Storage.sol and paste the provided Solidity code into it using your text editor.
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
    pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;
    contract Storage {
    uint256 number;
    function store(uint256 num) public {
    number = num;
    function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
    return number;

    This contract, named Storage, includes functions to store and retrieve a uint256 number.

    • Create the /scripts to write a deployment script. Then create and open a new deploy.js file to insert the provided JavaScript code.
    • Proceed to the /scripts directory of your Hardhat project to write a deployment script. Then create and open a new deploy.js file to insert the provided JavaScript code.
    const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
    async function main() {
    const StorageContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("Storage");
    const storageContract = await StorageContract.deploy();
    await storageContract.waitForDeployment();
    const tx = await storageContract.deploymentTransaction();
    console.log("Contract deployed successfully.");
    console.log(`Deployer: ${storageContract.runner.address}`);
    console.log(`Deployed to: ${}`);
    console.log(`Transaction hash: ${tx.hash}`);
    .then(() => process.exit(0))
    .catch(error => {
    • Populate the .env file. That is,

      • Create a .env file within the root folder.
      • Populate .env with your YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY and the Taiko RPC_URL as follows:
    YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY="<insert private key here>"
    • Update hardhat.config.js with the following configuration to include Taiko network settings and Solidity version.
    module.exports = {
    solidity: "0.8.20",
    networks: {
    taiko: {
    url: process.env.RPC_URL,
    accounts: [process.env.YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY],
  4. Compile your contracts To compile your smart contracts, run

    Terminal window
    npx hardhat compile

    Your compiled contracts will be located in the artifacts/ directory.

  5. Deploy your contracts To deploy your contracts to Taiko network, use

    Terminal window
    npx hardhat run --network taiko scripts/deploy.js

    This command deploys your Storage contract to the Taiko. For additional details on deploying contracts with Hardhat, refer to the Deploying Contracts with Hardhat. The output on the terminal looks like as below.

    Terminal window
    Contract deployed successfully.
    Deployer: 0xFdBA275E47....
    Deployed to: 0x77De5f1e40....
    Transaction hash: 0x75f219defa....

    You can now check your deployed contract on the explorer using the deployed contract address.

Deploy a contract using Remix

  1. Open Remix IDE

    Visit Remix IDE.

  2. Create a new .sol file

    new file

    • Give it any name, for example Counter.sol.
    • Fill with this example code:
    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
    import "";
    contract Token is ERC20 {
    constructor () ERC20("Example Token Hekla", "ETH") {
    _mint(msg.sender, 1000000 * (10 ** uint256(decimals())));
  3. Compile

    • Change the Compiler version to 0.7.0+commit.9e61f92b

    new file

    • Then compile it.
  4. Deploy

    • Change the Environment to Injected Provider

    new file

    new file

    • Then click transact

    • Finally, verify the smart contract using Blockscout

Deploy a contract using thirdweb

Thirdweb offers a streamlined solution for deploying smart contracts to any EVM-compatible chain, including Taiko. By simplifying the deployment process, Thirdweb enables developers to focus on building without the hassle of managing private keys, RPC URLs, or deployment scripts. This guide demonstrates deploying a Lock smart contract on Taiko using Thirdweb, highlighting the compatibility of Ethereum contracts with Taiko.

  1. Set up the environment

    Before deploying a smart contract on Taiko with Thirdweb, ensure your contracts are ready in a folder or a Hardhat project. This setup can include a Hardhat project or any other structure where your contracts are organized.

    For setup details, see our Hardhat Deployment guide on taiko.

  2. Deploying with Thirdweb

    1. Initialize Your Project

      Navigate to your smart contract project’s root directory in the CLI and install Thirdweb globally using npm i -g thirdweb.

    2. Deploy Your Contract

      Execute thirdweb deploy in the CLI. This command initiates the deployment process.

    3. Authorize Your Device

      A browser window will prompt you to connect and authorize your wallet. This step ensures secure deployment from your chosen wallet.

      Authorize Device

    4. Access the Deployment Link

      The CLI will provide a link. Open this link to proceed with deployment via the Thirdweb UI.

    5. Complete Deployment Details

      • Fill in the necessary fields in the Thirdweb UI.
      • Select Taiko Network from the Chain drop-down menu.
      • Opt for Add to dashboard if you wish to manage this contract from the Thirdweb dashboard.
      • Click Deploy Now and sign the transaction in your connected wallet.

      Deployment Details

      For a more detailed documentation on deployments through Thirdweb using CLI, visit Thirdweb CLI Docs.

  3. Managing Your Contract

    After deployment, the Thirdweb dashboard allows you to manage and interact with your contract seamlessly. Deploying with Thirdweb not only streamlines the process but also enhances security by supporting browser-based wallets like MetaMask and others for deployment activities.