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Block states

Block States in Taiko Alethia

A block in Taiko Alethia transitions through different states as it progresses through the protocol. The key states are:

  • Proposed: The block has been submitted to the TaikoL1 contract.
  • Proved: At least one validity proof has been submitted.
  • Verified: The block and all its ancestors up to genesis have valid proofs.

Taiko Alethia allows parallel proof generation, meaning multiple blocks can be proved concurrently. However, a block is considered verified only when its parent block is also verified. Blocks are verified in batches, not sequentially.

For more details, refer to the Multi-Proofs page.

Safe and Finalized Block States

Safe Block

The Safe block state on Taiko Alethia is equivalent to a Safe block on Ethereum.

Each L2 block originates from an L1 block that can be queried using the taiko-geth API. If the corresponding L1 block is considered Safe, the associated L2 block can also be considered Safe.

Querying L1 Origin for an L2 Block

The following taiko-geth API method retrieves the L1 origin of a given Taiko Alethia L2 block:

L1OriginByID API
func (s *TaikoAPIBackend) L1OriginByID(blockID *math.HexOrDecimal256) (*rawdb.L1Origin, error) {
l1Origin, err := rawdb.ReadL1Origin(s.eth.ChainDb(), (*big.Int)(blockID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if l1Origin == nil {
return nil, ethereum.NotFound
return l1Origin, nil

Finalized (Verified) Block

The Verified block state in Taiko Alethia is analogous to the Finalized block state in Ethereum. A block is Verified when:

  • Every state transition from genesis to the current block has valid proofs.
  • Its parent block is also verified.
  • The block is included in a batch verification process.

A Verified block cannot be reverted, ensuring strong finality guarantees.

Example API Query and Response

The following JSON-RPC request retrieves the L1 origin for a given L2 block:

"method": "taiko_l1OriginByID",
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"params": ["0x19a3c"]


"result": {
"blockID": "0x19a3c",
"l2BlockHash": "0x0905c85f9a288ebe94eb85743a65c8cf6266097b8b826cdca4f4018e6267c26a",
"l1BlockHeight": "0x16ef0f",
"l1BlockHash": "0x419f0c5b2cc90078c7040c3b90d174895ce83d76ebfdd75ad2dd5521036d0938"

Interpreting the Response

For block 0x19a3c:

  • It is Safe if the L1 block (0x419f..) reaches a Safe state.
  • It is Finalized (Verified) if all state transitions from genesis to block 0x19a3c have valid proofs.